The Moray Way

The Moray Way is Moray’s unique long-distance circular route, which follows the Moray Firth coast, crosses over moorland and tracks the river Spey. Few walks can match the range of scenery and wildlife found along the Moray Way. It can be walked comfortably in five to nine days.

Once you have completed the full route, why not claim your free “I WALKED AROUND THE MORAY WAY” certificate and celebrate your achievement by buying a pair of Moray Way socks?

  • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

    The route is primarily promoted for walking. Sections which make use of old railway lines are suitable for mountain bikes. The beach sections of the Way are ideal for horse riding. Sections of the Speyside Way along the old railway are suitable for horse riding. Cycling and horse riding on other sections of the way is not recommended due to physical condition and consideration for other users.

  • Terrain: Varied surfaces

    There are a wide variety of surface types that make up the route ranging from sandy dunes to minor metalled roads.

  • Gradient: Mixed gradient

    The Moray Coast Trail section is mostly flat with a rougher section between Burghead and Lossiemouth. The Dava Way involves gentle ascent and decent following the old railway line. The Speyside Way is mostly flat where it follows minor roads, tracks and an old railway, but has steep sections at Ben Aigen and near Cromdale.

  • Barriers: Some barriers

    Long sections of the route are free from barriers which would impede access. There are some stiles, gates and short flights of steps along the route. Steps are mostly to be found between Burghead and Lossiemouth and at varying points on the Speyside Way. There are no gates or stiles on the Moray Coast Trail but there are several on the Speyside Way and the Dava Way.

  • Fully signed

Elgin – Quarrelwood Ancestors Trail

The Ancestor’s Trail meanders through the beautiful Oakwood part of which is an ancient semi natural wood.

  • Suitable for a wide range of users
  • Terrain: Forest tracks

    The path surface is of woodland earth which can be muddy when wet and undulating with exposed tree roots.

  • Gradient: Undulating

    Some steep parts, undulating terrain

  • No barriers

Dufftown- The Giant’s Chair

The ‘Giant’s Chair’ is a rock feature carved out by the power of the River Dullan in spate. This lovely walk takes in many interesting features of history, culture and landscape. Dufftown has seven operating whisky distilleries including the famous Glenfiddich brand.

  • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

    The route is suitable for walkers and mountain bikes.

  • Terrain: Varied surfaces

    Mixture of tarmac, gravel and grass. Some rough sections near The Giant's Chair.

  • Gradient: Undulating

    An undulating path with some short steep sections. Total height climbed is around 200ft (60 metres).

  • Barriers: Some barriers

    Kissing gate at far end of this walk, and some flights of steps

  • Fully signed

Drummuir – Paths Network

A suite of trails has been created on the Drummuir Estate developed by Drummuir 21, a local community group. Options exist for walks of approximately 40, 70 or 120 minutes duration depending on your inclination. Ideal for families. Part of the trail system is suitable for wheelchair users (about 3 miles return trip).

  • Accessibility: Accessible for all users

    The all abilities section is suitable for wheelchairs and buggies.

  • Terrain: Gravel path

    Relatively good surfaces throughout; mainly tarmac and gravel paths with a section of quiet public road. The All Abilities Trail section between the Botriphnie Kirk car park and Loch Park follows a level gravel path.

  • Mixed gradient
  • No barriers
  • Fully signed

Fochabers – Behind the Green Door

This is a very picturesque and sheltered circular walk around a lake in the quiet and traffic free grounds of Gordon Castle. It is along a good, narrow track which can be a bit muddy in wet weather so wear appropriate footwear. Children love this walk, remember to take food for the ducks!

  • Accessible for all users
  • Terrain: Gravel path

    Can be muddy when wet.

  • Generally level
  • No barriers

The Gownie

A circular walk via Craigellachie and Aberlour for the more enthusiastic walker looking for some adventure. Initially follow Balvenie Street to the Railway Station. Walk along the platform to the left and cross the road into the car park to join the “Spur” to the Speyside Way.

  • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

    A route for the more energetic walker and cyclist.

  • Terrain: Varied surfaces

    Mostly surfaced access tracks particularly in lowland section with some grassy paths through fields. Rough in places

  • Gradient: Slopes throughout

    Considerable gradients to the summit of the Gownie Path at a height of around 1000ft.

  • Barriers: Some barriers

    There are some stiles and gates to be negotiated.

Drum Wood

This is a nice easy circular route that takes in a few miles of the Speyside Way and returns through forestry on the other side of the river. Good views to the north from the Drum Wood and very scenic alongside the Spey. This route is not waymarked and part of it runs through private land.

  • 10 miles (16 km)
  • 120 meters (393 ft)
  • Varied surfaces

Balloch Wood and Hill

The Balloch forest covers about 2,500 acres and has a network of forest roads so a variety of routes are possible.  At the southwest end you can follow part of Governor Caulfeild’s military road, built about 1750, which ran from Stonehaven to Fochabers.

    Roseisle Beach

    A very pleasant, long beach ride. Roseisle Beach stretches for nearly eight miles from Findhorn in the west to Burghead in the east. The route described is not way-marked or maintained by the Commission as a horse-riding route.

    • Terrain: Coastal tracks

      Once across the softer sand and gravelly patches the beach sand is good and level and firm although keep an eye out for soft spots/hidden rocks/small 'streams' of water.

    • Generally level
    • No barriers
    • Partly signed

    Tomintoul – Carn Daimh

    Cairn Daimh (Hill of the Stags) at 1866ft (570m) is most often ascended in the course of following the Tomintoul Spur of the Speyside Way, between Glenlivet and Tomintoul.

    • Partly signed

    The Moray Coast Trail

    The coastline and settlements of Moray are linked by a waymarked coastal trail of approximately 50 miles from Findhorn to Cullen and all the places between. The route can be extended from Findhorn to Forres along a section of cycle route.

    • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

      Many sections of the route can be used for cycling and horseriding in addition to walking. In wilder locations the path can be steep and rough in places, which would restrict access. Generally the route is most accessible in the vicinity of the coastal settlements. Less able users should concentrate on using these sections.

    • Terrain: Varied surfaces

      There are varied surfaces including tar, gravel and earth paths, with some beach and rock sections. In places the trail follows pavements through the towns and villages, whilst in other areas the route uses rough tracks along the coastal clifftops and forests.

    • Gradient: Generally level

      Generally level with some short steep climbs in places.

    • Barriers: Some barriers

      There are steps and gates in some sections, particularly along the rugged coastline at the Hopeman Ridge and between Buckie and Cullen.The route crosses Lossiemouth and Cullen beaches at low tide, but at high tide you will have to follow an alternative (unsigned) foreshore route.The section between Lossie and Kingston has the military firing range and when in use red flags are hoisted at each corner which prevent users from progressing further, for information on which days the range is being used telephone Fort George on 0131 310 8692.

    • Fully signed

    The Isla Way

    This 13 mile route has a great variety in scenery and setting, and you will always be rewarded with natural beauty wherever you are on the path. The route follows the valley of the infant River Isla, which rises in the hills above Drummuir on its way to Keith and the Moray Coast beyond.

    • Accessibility: Unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies

      All of the route can be used for walking, cycling, and horseriding.

    • Terrain: Varied surfaces

      Surfaces are generally sound including tar, gravel and earth paths. In places the trail follows narrow tarmac public roads, and road pavements through Dufftown and Keith. Sections of the paths will be muddy when wet.

    • Gradient: Undulating

      The route climbs to around 300 metres (1,000ft) above sea level. Total height climbed is modest at around 240 metres (780 ft). Slopes are generally easy, although there are a couple of steep sections to be negotiated.

    • Barriers: Many barriers

      Between Dufftown and Loch Park there is a narrow suspension bridge across the River Fiddoch. There are some steps in the Toon Widd at Dufftown.Loch Park to Drummuir has no barriers and is an all abilities standard.Between Drummuir and Keith there are unsigned sections on public roads, including a mile section on busy B9014, where users are next to fast traffic.Two field gates exist across the path above Auchindachy.

    • Partly signed

    The Fishwives Route

    Follow the footsteps of the Fishwives. The Fishwives Path starts at the Buckie & District Fishing Heritage Centre where you will discover the unique fishing history of this lovely part of the Moray Firth.

    • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

      Suitable for more able and energetic walkers. The off road sections would be of interest to horse riders and mountain bikers.

    • Terrain: Varied surfaces

      Nearly two thirds of the route is along tarmac roads and paths which are easy to negotiate. The rest is on farm/forestry tracks and grassy paths; the surface in places is rough and uneven and can be muddy in wet weather.

    • Gradient: Gentle gradients

      The route climbs from the sea at Buckie to around 270 metres (900ft) above sea level. From both the Keith and Buckie ends the path rises gradually to the highest point at Addie Hill.

    • Barriers: Some barriers


    • Fully signed

    Elgin – Cooper Park Walk

    This is a flat, circular route along paths taking you round Cooper Park, suitable for wheelchairs and buggies. This is a pleasant walk through the Park, on good paths. There are toilets in the Library and the café is open between 10am and 4pm.

    • Accessible for all users
    • Paved footpaths & roads
    • Generally level
    • No barriers
    • Unsigned

    The Dava Way (Horse Ride)

    This is a long distance route that runs from Forres to Grantown, mostly following the old railway line. It has superb scenery with woods and forests at both ends, extensive heather moorland in the middle and a dramatic valley crossing on a viaduct.

      Cullen – Crannoch Circular Path

      The route provides a variety of views and habitats. Travelling clockwise, the first section east of Cullen provides open views over agricultural land and the coast. The woodland loop provides access to conifer/mixed woodland and freshwater habitats.

      • Suitable for buggies but not wheelchairs
      • Terrain: Varied surfaces

        A mixture of pavements, quiet country roads, and farm tracks, with aggregate and earth paths through the woodland section. These woodland and farm tracks can be muddy in wet weather, and watch out for tree roots within Crannoch Wood. There is a short steep slope at the eastern entrance to the Crannoch Wood circular path, which can be slippy.

      • Gradient: Undulating

        Undulating route with long steady inclines/ declines. One steep section present at the eastern entrance to the Crannoch Wood circular path.

      • Barriers: Some barriers

        Care to be taken when crossing the A98 - this is a very fast and busy road. Several gates leading along the farm track from Cullen to Crannoch Wood.

      • Fully signed

      Forres – Sanquhar Chapelton Muiry

      A circular walk around the southern outskirts of Forres taking in Sanquhar Loch and Woodlands, Cluny Hill and an unexpected glimpse of Findhorn Bay.

      • Unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies
      • Terrain: Varied surfaces

        Pavements, tarmac and gravel paths. There are also some sections of earth path through the woodland areas.

      • Mixed gradient
      • Barriers: Some barriers

        A sets of steps in Grant Park leading from the car park, a set leading down to Sanquar Loch, and a set at the Mosset Burn near Chapelton.

      • Fully signed

      Lossiemouth – Forest by the Firth Trail 

      The town commands the prominent headland at the mouth of the River Lossie. It has dramatic and beautiful beaches, wonderful countryside and plenty to see and do. Part of the route follows the long-distance Moray Coast Trail. 

      • Accessibility: Unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies

        Due to the loose sand and shingle, the route is unsuitable for wheelchairs, buggies or road bikes.

      • Terrain: Varied surfaces

        The route follows the sandy beach, with areas of loose shingle, and forest tracks. The trail can also be damp through the salt marsh area. Sturdy footwear is advised.

      • Gradient: Generally level

        Relatively level, except short steep shingle ridge of around 2 metres in height.

      • Barriers: Some barriers

        During high Spring Tides the route may be impassable along the beach. The trail requires a short scramble over a steep section of loose shingle (approx 2 metre height) to the dunes. Access to the beach is over a long narrow timber bridge.

      • Partly signed

      Burghead – Clarkly Hill Circular

      A circular walk starting in the Pictish Fort town of Burghead and passing through farmland and rocky shores, with stunning views of the Moray Firth along the ridge of Clarkly Hill.

      • Unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies
      • Terrain: Varied surfaces

        Tarred pavements & roads, gravel paths, and earth/grass paths along the Clarkly Hill sections. Note: the earth paths are rough and uneven in places and can be muddy.

      • Gradient: Generally level

        A gentle slope rising from the Burghead - Lossiemouth road to Clarkly Hill

      • Fully signed