Since June 2021 the Moray Way Association has been part of the Arts In Moray (AIM) Collective, which received Creative Scotland’s Culture Collective programme funding. This national pilot programme aims to establish a network of creative practitioners, organisations and communities working together to create a positive difference locally and nationally in response to COVID-19.
The AIM collective was started by Dance North Scotland, Moray Arts Development Engagement (M:ADE), Wildbird and the Moray Way Association. The group has been employing a new and radical approach to engaging a network of creative practitioners and communities within Moray through a residency programme that initially supported eight artist residencies from 2021 to 2022. Further funding has allowed the collective to employ a further artists in 2023 and 2024. You can find out more about the AIM artists who have been working with MWA below.
To listen to Lise Olsen’s The Sounds of the Moray Way, please download ECHOES and search for The Sounds of the Moray Way.

Lise Olsen
Artist in Residence 2021 – 22
Lise Olsen is a responsive artist researching and collecting stories by embracing uncertainty, in-between a sphere of space and the sonic. Her practice explores immersive sound and the ‘Soundwalk’ experience using field-recordings and stories.

Norma Hunter
Artist in Residence 2023
Based in the North East of Scotland, Norma’s work is based on social engagement and centres around three main themes: women, Walking, and Well-being (both of the individual and the environment).

Artist in Residence 2024 – 25
This year the Moray Way Association has collaborated with five local artists to reimagine The Pilgrimages of Moray – A guide to the Country, a 1924 pocket guidebook featuring descriptions of walks across Moray.