The Speyside Way (Horse Ride)
This route includes a section of the Speyside way between Craigellachie and Carron. It then goes north from Carron and follows tracks and roads on the other side of the Spey back to Carron.
- Horse Ride
- 13 miles (20.8 km)
- Aberlour, Ballindalloch, Carron, Craigellachie, Knockando
- Generally level
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Access & Parking: Park at Carron car-park at the entrance to the disused distillery. Grid reference NJ 225412. (You can also park at Craigellachie or Aberlour but Carron is quieter)
The Speyside Way is flat and even, some of the other tracks are a little stony.
Take the road north through Carron up the hill towards Archiestown. Turn right at the T junction and continue to Bogroy Farm and follow the farm road past the buildings and house. Follow track past Wester Elchies when you will join a single track public road again, turn left and continue to main road, B9102, turn right and after a short distance take the first track left into a wood.
When you reach a crossroads with a black alcathene pipe across the track, turn right. This track will take you down to the B9102 again, cross straight over and continue down and along the lay-by beside the A95. Cross the old Telford Bridge and then turn left and under the Ap5 (low) and then ride along the edge of the field to join the Speyside Way, turn right and follow the Speyside Way all the way back to Carron via Aberlour. Just after Aberlour cross the ford just upstream from the bridge.
The route passes through the Alice Littler park in Aberlour. This and the section of the Speyside Way from Craigellachie are very popular with walkers and children – please remove any horse droppings off the path.