Tomintoul – Carn Daimh

Cairn Daimh (Hill of the Stags) at 1866ft (570m) is most often ascended in the course of following the Tomintoul Spur of the Speyside Way, between Glenlivet and Tomintoul.

  • Partly signed

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The ascent of this hill makes a good circular walk from Glenconglass on the Crown’s Glenlivet Estate.

This is an interesting walk which provides good opportunities for seeing forest and moorland wildlife and includes some expansive views of the Estate and the Eastern Cairngorms. A steady ascent through sheltered plantations leads to the exposed summit of the hill (pronounced Cairn Dye), before returning across open heather moorland to the starting point at Glenconglass farm.

Ranger Service – Glenlivet Estate

The Glenlivet Estate has a ranger service based at the Estate Office and Information Centre at the south end of Tomintoul. The Centre, houses displays about the countryside of Glenlivet and how it is managed, and is open (free) throughout the year. (The office is not continually manned and staff may be absent at any time.) If you need advice or would like to know more about the walks, trails, places of interest, wildlife, access and visitor facilities, please visit phone the Estate Office on 01479 870070